I will recommend a chamber based on your answers. If buying for an autistic child, Lymes, or MS, let me know. I will contact those who take my quiz usually the same day within a few hours. If not in a dire situation, please also let me know on my quiz so I can get to those who need dire help first.
Click as many boxes as necessary
What type of chamber are you most interested in?
Do you have any chemical sensitivities?
Are you going to be exercising in the chamber?
Do you prefer a vertical or horizontal type?
Is noise a concern?
How cool do you want to be in your chamber?
Do you want a chamber that has a power outlet port?
How many people will be using the chamber?
How strong do you want your chamber?
What is the main reason using the chamber?
Are you able to operate the chamber alone?
Are you going to be doing oxygen therapy?
Do you live in a humid climate?
How long do you prefer your sessions to be?
Would you be willing to let an autistic child and parent come to your home to let them use your chamber?
New or used?
Do you mind oiling the zipper each week?
Do you prefer a particular brand?
if so, which one
Which do you prefer?
Type of chamber needed
If you have a question that I haven't answered on my site, let me know and I will try to answer it:
Is there anything I should know before making a recommendation?
Phone Number:
Best time to call
Many people do not like off-gassing.
The last thing I want is to breath in formaldehyde when in a chamber or the off-gassing when it is in the room. If you have chemical sensitivities please let me know on my quiz.